How To Use Quiz Marketing To Grow Subscribers and Drive Sales

5 tips for implementing an effective quiz marketing campaign

Lilly Hayha
Better Marketing
Published in
7 min readJul 14, 2021


The “quiz time” text is placed inside a TV icon
Image by USA-Reiseblogger on Pixabay

If you’re looking for a new way to increase customer engagement, grow your email list, and drive sales, then you should try quiz marketing.

To be honest, quiz marketing isn’t something new. Brands like Sephora, Airbnb, Warby Parker, and Lululemon have been using quizzes for a long time.

Back in 2017, Sephora even ran an email marketing campaign to recommend products based on a mobile-optimized quiz. The quiz helped the brand guide customers towards the skincare solutions that best suited individuals’ needs.

Today, Sephora has a dedicated page called Quizzes & Buying Guides on their website, showing many quizzes like skincare quiz, lip quiz, and mascara quiz. Shoppers can take a quiz to get relevant product recommendations.

Sephora’s Quizzes & Buying Guides category
Source: Sephora

So, what exactly is quiz marketing? How does it benefit your business? And how can you leverage quizzes in your marketing strategy? Let’s find out.

What Is Quiz Marketing?

Quiz marketing refers to using quizzes for marketing purposes like collecting customers’ feedback, recommending products, or generating leads.

You may see quiz marketing in the form of a personality quiz or a style quiz like this one:

Encircled’s style quiz
Source: Encircled

When you click the Take The Quiz button, you’ll see questions like this:

A question in Encircled’s style quiz
Source: Encircled

Benefits of Using Quiz Marketing

1. Collect customer data

Inviting website visitors to take a quiz is a friendly way to ask, “what are you looking for?”, “what do you need help with?”, or “what’s on…

