10 Content Ideas to Increase Social Media Engagement in 2022

Kateryna Bibik
Better Marketing
Published in
6 min readFeb 14, 2022


The word “engagement” has become part of our daily routine in the digital world. If you want to reach the right audience for your business and build brand community, you need to know what motivates potential customers to take action. In addition, to become a successful social media user, you need to have a basic knowledge of how social media algorithms work.

Social networks prioritize which content a user sees in their feed first by the likelihood that they’ll want to see it.

Each platform recognizes specific actions as evidence of high interest in your content. It can be likes, reposts, saves, comments.

All this is intuitive: the goal of any social network is to keep users active, engage them and show the content they like. So if you’re wondering which posts are more likely to help you succeed, keep reading.

From creating reminders to memes, there are many ways to engage with your brand community. Our marketing team prepared 10 tried-and-tested ways to increase your Social Media engagement in 2022.

1. Question post and stories

Curiosity always fuels creativity. Ask questions and let users ask you too. You’ll be surprised at how many people want to know about you or your brand. Also, this way helps create a loyal following that feels connected to your brand. You can use Instagram Stories stickers or create a custom design. Such posts will not only increase engagement but also help you to know the audience better.

2. Step by step carousel posts and stories

You shouldn’t tell everything at once — guide subscribers through an engaging journey through content that they can explore by tapping the screen. You can share a list of useful resources, tips, or tutorials. Such carousels always catch attention and arouse curiosity.

3. Notifications and reminders

A recent trend is using reminders as Instagram feed posts. This content is engaging and popular on Instagram and doesn’t require many resources. Usually, the content of such notifications is the information that subscribers would like to be reminded about in the future. So, such publications are especially often saved and shared.

4. Create saveable quotes

Sometimes some quote is a sign you’ve been waiting for. Sometimes it’s a sign your friend was waiting for. You’ll find that Instagram users love to share quotes on their stories save and tag others in the comments — especially if they’re both moving and aesthetically pleasing.

5. Polls and quizzes

We like to share our thoughts when it comes to topics that we care about. But, we are also interested to know, what others this about some topic. You’ll be surprised at how much engagement you’ll get from this simple little polls box. Instagram users love to feel like they’re part of something bigger. And adding some poll to ask their opinion is a great way to do that.

6. Infographics and charts

People constantly learn new information, so simply showing complex information is essential. And if you see a post that will help you easily remember some topic, you will save it for later or add it to bookmarks.

Quality infographic posts will attract new subscribers to your account. If users find your post helpful, they will share, save, and comment. Here are some examples of information graphics that you can use: cheatsheets, challenges, checklists, graphs, and charts.

7. Enticing giveaway and free info products

Everyone loves free stuff. A giveaway can be the perfect magnet to draw attention to your brand and help you increase engagement. But not just any giveaway. In 2022, giveaways must be enticing to your existing and target audience and authentic to your brand. The tag, follow or share entry requirement format will be best if your goal is to increase engagement.

So It’s an excellent way to increase engagement on a single post.

8. Short videos and collabs on your Instagram reels

Platforms like Instagram, Snapchat, and TikTok have changed how we think about video content, forget about long videos and complex editing.

Instagram Collabs are a new good way to boost engagement on Instagram, especially on Reels. The feature allows you to invite someone to collaborate on a Feed post or Reel, and they also can share the content with their audience. So you’ll be able to share views, comments, and likes. In addition, you can engage with each other’s followers.

9. GIFs and memes

Humor is the way to the user’s heart. So share content that shows your sense of humor and let your followers learn about this aspect of your personality.

Regardless of your niche or industry, the opportunity to create a meme is there. And with the right meme, your audience will like, comment, and share your post with their friends.

You can use trending photo that ties into your content pillars:

10. Your personality on your content

Let your audience get to know you better, and bringing your personality to social networks is a great way to start. Stories are the perfect format for this. You can share your thoughts, ask questions, and above all, show your face!

Likewise, as a brand account, the Sweetcode lab team shows up on stories with behind-the-scenes content, memories from trips, and office life :

Because as a brand, it’s essential to show your face once in a while. Your audience wants to see that you’re more than a logo.

Congratulations! You have read to the end of the article — 10 ways to increase your Instagram engagement. As examples, we have used our branded content and publications that we have developed for our clients. So, next time you’re planning your content, try to incorporate some of these ways and watch the engagement rate!

And remember, if you need help with your social media content and online presence, our marketing team is ready to help you keep your audience engaged with our SMM service. Contact us to find out more.

